Jul 7, 2021

Rain season.

It’s my favorite. When I sit down in the dark room, the gloomy sky that is so dim brush my eyes gently and calm my mood. The sound of the downpour outside the window, that somehow fill all the emptiness I, sometimes feel without reason.

It feels like I have a very considerate company beside me. Leaving me in quiet without an urge or any question, keep my mind busy while dealing in the dark, but always mark their presence to message me that I’m not completely alone.

How come, rain be so lovely? How come the cold you bring is so comfortable for me? Why do in my life, when people longing for sunny, warm and cheerful day, I, instead, longing for the pain when the cold touch my bones and make me shivering?

Maybe that is why they called you a blessing, rain.




My soul is a faith to be nurtured, my body is a law to be kept in a time.